Regenerative Medicine

PRP Treatment

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Treatment Areas

Regenerative Injection which uses the patient’s own plasma. The patient’s blood is drawn then spun for 15 minutes, after which only the plasma is extracted and used. PRP (Platelets Rich Plasma) is the ultimate procedure utilizing the unique benefits of the Platelets. They are rich with more than 20 types of growth factors that help to stimulate stem cells; which are the most potent cells in the human body. It is a safe and excellent procedure to stimulate new tissue.

It takes about 30-40 minutes and has no side effects. Many professional and amateur athletes are benefiting from this non-surgical and non-invasive procedure. It gets that “back in the game” with limited to no downtime.

Precision Growth Factors, Amnio Fluid and Growth Factors.

Precision Growth Factors have quickly grown in popularity among scientists, physicians and patients to become the treatment of choice for patients who can benefit from regenerative therapies. Precision Growth Factors are best known for safety and efficacy. They are commonly used to treat many medical conditions with excellent results. If you are considering a cutting edge stem cells based treatment call the office to learn more about Precision Growth Factors.


The treatment works to strengthen the damaged tissue over the next 2-3 weeks, allowing you to continue your daily activities with little downtime and minimal discomfort. Regenerative injections, the latest in pain management solutions, involves 3-6 rounds of injections to the area of chronic pain or a damaged joint. Prolotherapy injections consist of a solution of dextrose, lidocaine, and saline to stimulate a localized inflammatory healing response into the area of ligament injury.

It is normal to experience some pain and swelling in the injection area after RIT or stem cells have been introduced. This discomfort can last between 48 hours and two weeks, and recurrence of pain can even happen after 2 weeks. The pain and swelling are normal and are usually nothing to be alarmed about, although you can call us if you have concerns. However, it is essential that you do NOT take any anti-inflammatory medications for at least a week after this therapy.

• No aspirin or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory products for 7-10 days prior to the procedure.
• No fish oil/omega oils for ten days prior to procedure.
• No swimming or hot tub/bath 48-72 hours post treatment.
• No exercising or strenuous activity for the first 24 hours post-treatment.

How to get PRP Treatment?

Please contact our office to schedule your appointment.